The smallfishrecordings studio is based around Apple’s Logic Pro DAW, so there are 2 ways into a mix project:

1) If you are working either in Logic or Garageband, then you can simply send the entire project folder for me to load here

Just one note: If you have used a virtual instrument in your project, use the “Bounce In Place” option so that it appears as audio

2) If using a different DAW, don’t worry, simply prepare either individual audio tracks, all starting at the same zero point (so I can line them up perfectly), or stems.

You can get these to the studio easily using my preferred solution

If you need any technical assistance with any of this, I’ll walk you through the whole process - it’s easy.

So why ask the smallfish to mix your project? Here are some possible benefits:

  • Quality - I have the very best hardware and software which you may not otherwise be able to take advantage of
  • You get genuine “big desk” sound that makes all the difference between DIY and professional production
  • Advanced Techniques - I have many years of experience, allowing me to solve almost any technical issue with your audio
  • Speed - I’ve already been up the learning curve - so you can focus on the music
  • Resources - I can enhance your project with a wide range of virtual instrument and sample library material, from drums to atmospherics
  • Production input - when required, I will add a Producer’s approach to your music to open up alternative possibilities